IBM DB2 Query Patroller User's Guide

Overview of Default Columns in the QueryMonitor's Main Window

Table 2 contains an overview of each of the default columns that are displayed in the QueryMonitor's main window. See Choosing Columns for information on how to add or delete columns from the Query Monitor's main window.

Table 2. Overview of Default Columns in the QueryMonitor's Main Window
Column Description
Job ID Displays the ID of the job that was submitted.
User Name Displays the username of the user that submitted the job.
Job Status Contains the status of the submitted job. A job's status can be in any of the following states:
  • Aborted - the job has been terminated due to an error.
  • Cancelled - the job was cancelled at the user's request.
  • Done - the job completed successfully.
  • Estimating - DB2 Query Patroller is determining the cost associated with this job.
  • Held - the cost associated with the job exceeded the user's threshold and requires manual intervention by a user with administrator or operator privileges.
  • Queued - the job is waiting to be run.
  • Running - the job is in progress.
  • Scheduled - the job is waiting for system resources to run.
Priority Indicates the priority assigned to the job that was submitted.
Created Displays the date and time that the job was created.
Start After Displays the date and time that the submitted job can be scheduled for execution.
Completed Displays the date and time that the submitted job was completed, aborted, or cancelled.
Result Rows Indicates the number of rows returned from the job in the result set.
Result Destination If results of the job were saved to an alternate destination, this field contains the name of that destination. If an alternative result destination has not been defined by your administrator, this value will be null.
Result Table Name If results of the job were saved to the default location, this field contains the result table name.
Estimated Cost Displays the estimated cost for the job.

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