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Downloading DUMPWRITE using file transfer protocol from a TSO command line

To download DMPWRITE or DMPWRIT2 directly to your workstation, click on the appropriate link below and use the browsers "file" "save as" to save the file on your workstation:
The instructions below do not include steps which may be necessary to pass through a firewall or proxy server.

Once the file is on the workstation, it must be uploaded to the Host system.

Now you have the appropriate copy of DUMPWRITE in binary format on your workstation, you need to upload it back to your z/OS or OS/390 Host environment. You MUST upload this dataset into a RECFM=FB LRECL=80 BLOCKSIZE=3120 dataset in order to unfold it.

If you are using the IBM Personal Communications (PCOM) as the emulator for the host session, you can click on the TRANSFER in the action bar, pull down window will be displayed. Click the MVS/TSO, then move the cursor to Setup, another pull down window will be displayed. Click on the Define_transfer_type. Click the Fixed in the Record Format. Change the LRECL with 80. Change the Block Size with 3120. Click the Track in allocation unit. Change the Primary with 2 and secondary with 1 in allocation amount. Click on OK to save it, then click on CANCEL or upper right hand corner to back out of the pull down window.

Click on the TRANSFER in the action bar. Click on Send_File_To_Host. Fill in the PC file name, host file name then click on the SEND to upload the file.

Once the file has been uploaded to a dataset on the host, click here or use the back button on the browser to return to the installation and using instructions.



These programs contain code made available by IBM Corporation on an "AS-IS" basis. Any one receiving these programs is considered to be licensed under IBM copyrights to use the IBM-provided source code in any way he or she deems fit, including copying it, compiling it, modifying it, and redistributing it, with or without modifications, except that it may be neither sold nor incorporated within a product that is sold. No license under any IBM patents or patent applications is to be implied from this copyright license.

The software is provided "as-is", and IBM disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantibility or fitness for a particular purpose.

This page last updated March 2001.

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