Data Types

All the IBM Cúram Social Program Management data types except Blob (SVR_BLOB) can be used in RPC and DOWS Method Parameters web services. The mappings between IBM Cúram Social Program Management and WSDL data types are shown in the following table:

Table 1. Cúram to WSDL Data Types (Legacy)
Cúram data type WSDL data type
SVR_BOOLEAN xsd:boolean
SVR_CHAR xsd:string
SVR_INT8 xsd:byte
SVR_INT16 xsd:short
SVR_INT32 xsd:int
SVR_INT64 xsd:long
SVR_STRING xsd:string


(Format: yyyymmdd)



(Format: yyyymmddThhmmss)

SVR_FLOAT xsd:float
SVR_DOUBLE xsd:double
SVR_MONEY xsd:float

In conjunction with the supported data types shown in Data Types, only the related XML schema types that map to primitive Java types and java.lang.String are supported for inbound web services. For example, "xsd:boolean" and "xsd:long" that map to the boolean and long Java types, respectively, and "xsd:string" that maps to java.lang.String are supported. All other XML schema types that do not map to a Java primitive type or to java.lang.String are not supported. An example of such an unsupported XML schema type is "xsd:anyURI", which maps to This limitation applies to inbound web services only and is due to the fact that inbound web services are generated based on what can be represented in an application model. Outbound web services are not affected by this issue. For more details on related modeling topics consult the documents: Working with the Cram Model in Rational Software Architect and Cram Server Modeling Guide.

Note: Passing or returning the "raw" IBM Cúram Social Program Management data types (i.e., "Date", "DateTime", "Money") as an attribute to a web service is restricted. IBM Cúram Social Program Management data types must be wrapped inside a struct before passing them as attributes to a web service.