Description of Context WDOs

The Context_Decision workflow data object is available for use in a data item or function condition (see Conditions) for a transition from a decision activity. The attributes available will depend on the answer format defined for the activity.

Free Text Answer
If the answer format is a free text answer the attribute available is:
The value of the free text answer supplied. This can be used in transition conditions and can be mapped to a specified workflow data object attribute.
Multiple Choice Answer
In this instance, the Context_Decision workflow data object will be populated with attributes for each of the answers available, each being of type boolean. This indicates whether that answer had been selected or not. In the multiple choice answer metadata snippet above, (Multiple Choice, if the user selected the first answer (Yes), this would be reflected with the following Context_Decision workflow data object attribute being set to true:
This represents a boolean indicating whether the yes answer for the question had been selected. This can only be used in transition conditions from the decision activity.

Alternatively, if the user selected the second answer (No), this would be reflected with the following Context_Decision workflow data object attribute being set to true:

This represents a boolean indicating whether the no answer for the question had been selected. This also can only be used in transition conditions from the decision activity.