Creating an Existence Timeline

We have seen how anything that can change over time is potentially a timeline aware rule. Existence timelines allow you to specify the dates that a rule can exist as well as what value to use before, during and after these dates. An existence timeline creates a timeline of a specified type from a pair of inclusive start and end dates, either of which is optional.

  1. Create a new rule called "Student Grants Amount" and set its type to Number. From the Technical palette on the right-hand side of the editor, drag an existencetimeline element onto the rule element on the diagram. Change the name of the existencetimeline to be "Student Grants Amount".
  2. View the diagram in technical view. See the CER Editor Layout.
  3. Drag a Date from the Data Types palette to the start date for the existencetimeline. Repeat this step for the end date.
  4. Set the dates to be the date a person started college and the date a person finished college.
  5. Drag a Number from the Data Types palette to the before, during and after date ranges.
  6. Set the "Value Before Date Range" to be 0. This means the value of the grant before the person started college evaluates to 0.
  7. Set the "Value During Date Range" to be 1000. This means the value of the grant during the period the person attended college evaluates to 1000.
  8. Set the "Value After Date Range" to be 200. This means the value of the grant after the person finished college evaluates to 200.