Define an Expandable List

The purpose of an Expandable List is to allow the user to see more information than was traditionally possible using a simple list, without navigating away from the list page itself.

An expandable list is a list where each row can be expanded by clicking on a toggle control. In the expanded state, a page relevant to the row is displayed.

Figure 1. Person Search Page With Expandable List
  1. Toggle Control
  2. Page Level Action Sets

Define an Expandable List shows the Person Search page which has been modified to include an expandable list. The following are some points to note:

The following is the modified code for the Person Search page:

Figure 2. SimpleSearch.uim
        <PAGE PAGE_ID="SimpleSearch">



  <LIST TITLE="List.Title.Results">
      <INLINE_PAGE PAGE_ID="SimplePerson">
          <SOURCE NAME="ACTION" PROPERTY="personID"/>
          <TARGET NAME="PAGE" PROPERTY="personID"/>

A new element, the DETAILS_ROW, has been added to the LIST. This defines the inline page that will be displayed when a row is expanded, including the parameters that will be passed to that page for each row.