Define a List Actions Menu

List Actions Menus allow a set of actions associated with a particular row to be encapsulated into a menu.

Figure 1. Person Search Page With List Actions Menu
  1. Expanded List Actions Menu
  2. List Actions Menu Icon
  3. View Action Control

Define a List Actions Menu shows the Person Search page which has been modified to include a list action menu. The following are some points to note:

The following is the modified code for the Person Search page:

Figure 2. SimpleSearch.uim
        <PAGE PAGE_ID="SimpleSearch">


  <LIST TITLE="List.Title.Results">

      <ACTION_CONTROL LABEL="Control.Label.View">
        <LINK PAGE_ID="SimplePerson">
            <SOURCE NAME="ACTION" PROPERTY="personID"/>
            <TARGET NAME="PAGE" PROPERTY="personID"/>

      <ACTION_CONTROL LABEL="Control.Label.CreateEmployment">
        <LINK PAGE_ID="CreateEmployments" OPEN_MODAL="true">
            <SOURCE NAME="ACTION" PROPERTY="personID"/>
            <TARGET NAME="PAGE" PROPERTY="personID"/>
         <LINK PAGE_ID="CreateEmploymentWizard_pageOne"
             <SOURCE NAME="ACTION" PROPERTY="personID"/>
             <TARGET NAME="PAGE" PROPERTY="personID"/>

    <!-- Removing Actions Column -->
    <!--<CONTAINER LABEL="Container.Label.Actions">
       <ACTION_CONTROL LABEL="Control.Label.View">
        <LINK PAGE_ID="SimplePerson">
            <SOURCE NAME="ACTION" PROPERTY="personID"/>
            <TARGET NAME="PAGE" PROPERTY="personID"/>


An ACTION_SET containing the three action controls has been added to the list. The attribute TYPE has been set to LIST_ROW_MENU, indicating that the action controls in this set are to be displayed on a List Actions Menu.

As the View action control has been added to the List Actions Menu, the column containing it is no longer necessary, and thus the UIM code for this has been commented out.

Localizable labels for the new action controls are placed in the corresponding .properties file content. For example:

Control.Label.CreateEmployment=Create Employment
Control.Label.CreateEmploymentWizard=Create Employment Wizard