Class Index


Namespace i$

The global namespace of the IBM Client API

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
The global namespace of the IBM Client API
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
i$.query(selector, context, results)
A pure-JavaScript CSS selector engine.
Namespace Detail
The global namespace of the IBM Client API
Method Detail
<static> {Array} i$.query(selector, context, results)
A pure-JavaScript CSS selector engine.

i$.query supports virtually all CSS 3 Selectors - this even includes some parts that are infrequently implemented such as escaped selectors (".foo\+bar"), Unicode selectors, and results returned in document order. There are a few notable exceptions to the CSS 3 selector support (the reasoning for this decision can be found here. This is the main function for finding elements. It will use querySelectorAll if available.
{String} selector
A css selector
{DOMElement|DOMDocument} context
An element or document to use as the context for finding elements. The default is the current document.
{Array} results
Optionally pass an array or array-like object to which i$.query will append the elements.
{Array} all of the elements matching the selector

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Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Fri Apr 15 2016 21:38:12 GMT-0400 (EDT)