Administrator's Guide


The Administrative Console maintains several log files that you can use to troubleshoot problems with the appliance. To view the logs, click Reports, and then click the report you want to view. To navigate within the logs, you can specify a line number in the GoTo field, or use the arrow buttons. The following reports are available:

System message
HTTP access log
HTTP error log
iSCSI logs

iSCSI logs

The iSCSI logs contains IBM IP Storage specific messages. You can filter the iSCSI log by log type and error level.

To view the iSCSI log:

  1. Click Logs --> iSCSI logs.
  2. Click the type of log records you want to view from the log drop-down list. You can display one of the following types:
    iSCSI messages
    RAID messages
    RAID event messages
    Messages by date
  3. Click the error level from the error level drop down list. You can choose one of the following levels:
    Level 0
    Error messages
    Level 1
    Informational messages
    Level 2
    Debug minimal
    Level 3
    Debug medium
    Level 4
    Debug all
  4. Click Display log.

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