Administrator's Guide


  • access log, HTTP (771)
  • accessing, Administrative Console (571)
  • adapters, defining (678)
  • adding
  • administrator (594)
  • SNMP communities (717)
  • SNMP traps (745)
  • SNMP users (726)
  • virtual logical unit (656)
  • additional services, purchasing (892)
  • Administrative Console
  • accessing (570)
  • definition of (572)
  • Administrative Console, troubleshooting (878)
  • administrators
  • adding (593)
  • changing the password (596)
  • removing (598)
  • viewing list of (591)
  • appliance
  • restarting (619)
  • shutting down (622)
  • Apply button (588)
  • assigning, iSCSI clients (662)
  • assignments, maximum number supported (665)
  • authentication protocol, SNMP users (733)
  • B
  • backing up configuration file (810)
  • bank
  • description of (776)
  • setting active (808)
  • viewing details (780)
  • BCS error codes (861)
  • BIOS
  • flash diskette (818)
  • recovering (820)
  • browsers (567)
  • build, code (801)
  • builder, code (802)
  • C
  • code
  • bank (775)
  • build (790)
  • builder (791)
  • copying (803)
  • date (789)
  • erasing (804)
  • feature (787)
  • getting (806)
  • product ID (782)
  • PTF (786)
  • release (784)
  • RPQ (788)
  • setting the active bank (807)
  • status (781)
  • updating (785)
  • version (783)
  • viewing details (777)
  • communication error (880)
  • configuration
  • network (574), (579)
  • storage (581)
  • system (583)
  • workspace (586)
  • configuration file
  • backing up (809)
  • restoring (811)
  • control
  • locks (600)
  • port (698)
  • D
  • data ports (675)
  • date
  • code (800)
  • system (608)
  • defining
  • adapters (680)
  • data ports (679)
  • hot-spare disk (642)
  • standby hot-spare disk (645)
  • details
  • administrators (592)
  • code (778)
  • model and serial number (606)
  • SNMP community (715)
  • SNMP traps (743)
  • SNMP user (724)
  • diagnostics
  • error logs (829)
  • error messages (828)
  • event and error logs (833)
  • IDE (877)
  • light-path (835)
  • panel (838)
  • POST beep codes (827)
  • tools overview (826)
  • diagnostics diskette
  • Gigabit Ethernet testing (852)
  • ServeRAID testing (863)
  • diagnostics programs
  • diagnostics tools (825)
  • error code format (841)
  • error messages (840)
  • starting (845)
  • test log, viewing (846)
  • text messages (843)
  • disabling
  • ports (691)
  • SNMP (707)
  • diskette
  • BIOS flash (819)
  • Recovery Boot (817)
  • disks, defining (643), (646)
  • domain (618)
  • domain name server (613)
  • E
  • ECS POST error codes (862)
  • enabling
  • ports (690)
  • SNMP (706)
  • error code format (842)
  • error codes
  • BCS (858)
  • ECS POST (859)
  • ISPR (857)
  • error log, HTTP (772)
  • error logs (832)
  • error messages (831)
  • Ethernet adapters (676)
  • event and error logs (834)
  • F
  • feature, code (798)
  • flow control (697)
  • freeing
  • hot-spare disk (649)
  • standby hot-spare disk (650)
  • G
  • gateway, IP address (614)
  • getting started (569)
  • Gigabit Ethernet
  • adapters (848)
  • configuring (677)
  • Copper Adapter (849)
  • SX Adapter (850)
  • testing (853)
  • global settings
  • date and time (607)
  • network (611)
  • H
  • help
  • displaying (577)
  • online (889)
  • telephone (891)
  • host name, data ports (694)
  • hot-spare disk
  • defining (641)
  • description of (627)
  • freeing (647)
  • HTTP
  • access log (769)
  • error log (770)
  • I
  • IDE drive, troubleshooting (874)
  • IP address
  • data ports (693)
  • domain name server (616)
  • gateway (615)
  • SNMP community (713)
  • iSCSI client
  • assigning to a virtual logical unit (663)
  • description of (654)
  • maximum number logged on at one time (664)
  • unassigning from a virtual logical unit (673)
  • iSCSI logs (768)
  • ISPR error codes (860)
  • L
  • LEDs, AC and DC (837)
  • levels, RAID (637)
  • light-path diagnostics (836)
  • limits (670) See also maximum number of
  • localized key, SNMP users (736)
  • logical drive
  • creating (635)
  • description of (625)
  • expanding (639)
  • removing (638)
  • removing all virtual logical units from (659)
  • resizing (640)
  • logoff (576)
  • logs
  • description of (585)
  • HTTP access log (773)
  • HTTP error log (774)
  • iSCSI (767)
  • system message (762)
  • system security (765)
  • types of (761)
  • M
  • MAC address (696)
  • maximum
  • assignments on the appliance (668)
  • iSCSI clients assigned to a virtual logical unit (666)
  • iSCSI clients logged in at one time (667)
  • logical drives per appliance (629)
  • physical disks per logical drive (630)
  • transmission unit (695)
  • VLUNs assigned to an iSCSI client (669)
  • messages
  • ServeRAID controller (856)
  • system log (764)
  • Model EXP, troubleshooting (866)
  • model number, viewing (604)
  • modifying
  • SNMP communities (719)
  • SNMP traps (757)
  • SNMP user profile (738)
  • N
  • name, SNMP user (732)
  • navigator (578)
  • network configuration (573), (580), (612)
  • network connection, verifying (824)
  • non-hot-swap hard drive, troubleshooting (875)
  • O
  • online help (888)
  • online sources (884)
  • operating systems (568)
  • P
  • panel, diagnostics (839)
  • password
  • administrator (595)
  • changing (597)
  • SNMP users (735)
  • physical disk
  • description of (626)
  • scanning (634)
  • plug-ins (566)
  • ports
  • configuring (681)
  • control (699)
  • data (674)
  • enabling and disabling (682)
  • flow control (689)
  • host name (686)
  • IP address (685)
  • MAC address (688)
  • maximum transmission unit (687)
  • netmask (684)
  • SNMP trap (753)
  • subnet mask (683)
  • POST beep codes (830)
  • power
  • checkout (867)
  • problems (868)
  • troubleshooting (869)
  • prerequisites (565)
  • privacy protocol, SNMP users (734)
  • product ID, code (793)
  • proxy server bypass list (882)
  • proxy server configuration (881)
  • PTF, code (797)
  • Q
  • quick start (563)
  • R
  • RAID
  • description of (624)
  • levels (636)
  • refreshing the configurational (632)
  • rebooting the appliance (621)
  • recovery
  • BIOS (821)
  • system (815)
  • Recovery Boot diskette (816)
  • Recovery CD (813)
  • refreshing the RAID panel (631)
  • release, code (795)
  • Reload button (589)
  • removing
  • administrator (599)
  • code (805)
  • SNMP communities (721)
  • SNMP traps (759)
  • SNMP user (740)
  • virtual logical units (658)
  • restarting the appliance (620)
  • restoring configuration file (812)
  • Rip listen (617)
  • RPQ, code (799)
  • S
  • scanning, physical disks (633)
  • security information, SNMP trap (755)
  • serial number, viewing (605)
  • ServeRAID
  • controller (855)
  • testing (864)
  • ServeRAID controller
  • Administrative Console (879)
  • basic (822)
  • Gigabit Ethernet adapter (851)
  • IDE drive (876)
  • Model EXP (865)
  • power (870)
  • temperature (872)
  • service
  • before you call (887)
  • support (885)
  • services
  • additional, purchasing (893)
  • warranty and repair (895)
  • settings, system (603)
  • shutting down the appliance (623)
  • SNMP, enabling and disabling (705)
  • SNMP community
  • adding (716)
  • description of (700)
  • IP address (711)
  • modifying (718)
  • name (710)
  • removing (720)
  • subnet mask (712)
  • viewing (708)
  • SNMP level (754)
  • SNMP trap
  • adding (744)
  • description of (702)
  • modifying (756)
  • port (748)
  • removing (758)
  • security information (750)
  • SNMP level (749)
  • target address (747)
  • target address name (746)
  • viewing (741)
  • SNMP user
  • adding (725)
  • authentication protocol (728)
  • description of (701)
  • localized key (731)
  • modifying the profile (737)
  • name (727)
  • password (730)
  • privacy protocol (729)
  • removing (739)
  • viewing (722)
  • SNMPv1 (703)
  • SNMPv3 (704)
  • standby hot-spare disk
  • defining (644)
  • description of (628)
  • freeing (648)
  • starting (564)
  • status, code (792)
  • storage configuration (582)
  • subnet mask
  • ports (692)
  • SNMP community (714)
  • support, service (886)
  • system
  • checkout, basic (823)
  • configuration (584), (590)
  • locks (601)
  • maintenance (760)
  • message log (763)
  • recovering (814)
  • security log (766)
  • settings (602)
  • T
  • target address, SNMP trap (752)
  • target address name, SNMP trap (751)
  • telephone help (890)
  • temperature
  • checkout (873)
  • troubleshooting (871)
  • test log (847)
  • text messages (844)
  • time (609)
  • time zone (610)
  • toolbar (575)
  • trademarks (883)
  • troubleshooting (854)
  • Administrative Console (879)
  • basic (822)
  • Gigabit Ethernet adapter (851)
  • IDE drive (876)
  • Model EXP (865)
  • power (870)
  • temperature (872)
  • U
  • unassigning, iSCSI clients (672)
  • updating, code (796)
  • V
  • version, code (794)
  • viewing
  • code details (779)
  • SNMP communities (709)
  • SNMP traps (742)
  • SNMP user (723)
  • virtual logical unit
  • adding (655)
  • assigning an iSCSI client to (660)
  • description of (652)
  • maximum number assigned to one iSCSI client (661)
  • removing (657)
  • unassigning an iSCSI client to (671)
  • virtualization (651)
  • VLUN (653) See also virtual logical unit
  • W
  • warranty and repair (894)
  • workspace (587)

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