Administrator's Guide

Configuration files

It is a good idea to back up the appliance configuration files each time you make changes using the Administrative Console. The backed-up configuration can be restored if the configuration becomes corrupted or if inadvertent changes are made.

The configuration file is backed up to an external server through FTP. The external server must support anonymous FTP.
Note:System configuration contains the host name and IP address and, therefore, is specific to an IBM IP Storage appliance. The configuration is also keyed to the system-level code. Older configuration files might not work on newer code levels.

Backing up the configuration file

To back up the configuration file from the Administrative Console:

  1. Click System --> Configuration --> Backup.
  2. Type the IP address of the remote server in the Server IP address field.
  3. Type the name and path of the backup configuration file in the Remote path and file name field.
  4. Click Apply to back up the configuration file.

Restoring the configuration file

To restore the configuration file from the Administrative Console:

  1. Click System --> Configuration --> Restore.
  2. Type the IP address of the remote server in the Server IP address field.
  3. Type the name and path of the backup configuration file in the Remote path and file name field.
  4. Click Apply to restore the configuration from the backup configuration file.

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