Administrator's Guide


You can define and manage administrators using the Administrative Console. The edit and browse modes are especially useful when you have multiple administrators accessing the system and making changes. As the names indicate, browse mode only allows viewing, while the edit mode enables the user to make changes in the system. You can initiate the edit mode by taking control of any system locks. See Control locks for additional information about locks.

Viewing the list of administrators

To view the list of administrators that are defined in the system using the Administrative Console, click System --> Administrators.

Adding an administrator

To add an administrator using the Administrative Console:

  1. Click System --> Administrators.
  2. Click Add to add a new administrator.
  3. Type the user name of the administrator in the Administrator field.
  4. Type the password in the Password field.
  5. Type the password again in the Verify password field.
  6. Click Apply.

Changing an administrator's password

To change an administrator's password using the Administrative Console:

  1. Click System --> Administrators.
  2. Select the radio button to the left of the administrator's user ID.
  3. Click Edit to edit the administrator configuration.
  4. Type the new password in the Password field.
  5. Type the new password again in the Confirm password field.
  6. Click Apply.

Removing an administrator

To remove an administrator using the Administrative Console:

  1. Click System --> Administrators.
  2. Select the radio button to the left of the administrator's user ID.
  3. Click Remove to delete the administrator.

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