Administrator's Guide

Control locks

Administrators can lock access to certain system configuration elements so that only one person is assigned editing ability to those specific elements. After one administrator takes control of locks, others only see the system in browse mode and are unable to make changes (that is, no action buttons will appear). Other administrators can make changes by taking control themselves.

The person who takes control of the system does not have to release it. Any other administrator with system access can take control and lock the system out to others. Locks simply enable multiple administrators to better coordinate system configuration changes.


  1. Every time you close the browser and reopen, you lose control of locks. To make additional system configuration changes, you will need to take control of locks each time you open the browser.

  2. Before taking control of locks, be sure that no other administrator has changes pending. Taking control before these changes have been activated will result in the changes not taking effect. Other administrators are not warned when control of is taken.

  3. If you have control of certain elements and you close your browser without first logging off, you still have control of those elements.

To control locks on the Administrative Console:

  1. Click System --> Control locks.
  2. Click Take Control.

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