Administrator's Guide

System settings

Viewing the model and serial number

To view the model and serial number of the IBM IP Storage using the Administrative Console, click System--> Settings.

Setting the date and time

To set the date and time using the Administrative Console:

  1. Click System --> Date and time to display the current date and time settings.
  2. Type or select the month in the Month field.
  3. Type or select the day in the Day field.
  4. Type the year in the Year field.
  5. Type or select the hour in the Hours field.
  6. Type the minutes in the Minutes field.
  7. Type the seconds in the Seconds field.
  8. Click Apply.

Configuring network settings

To configure the network settings, including the domain, gateway, and domain name server (DNS), using the Administrative Console:

  1. Click Network --> Settings.
  2. Type the IP address of each DNS server in the Name Server x fields. You can define up to three DNS servers.
  3. Type the domain name in the Domain field.
  4. Type the IP address of the gateway in the Gateway field.
  5. Select the Rip listen enabled check box to enable RIP or clear the check box to disable it.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. Restart the appliance (see Restarting the appliance).

Restarting the appliance

To shut down and restart the appliance using the Administrative Console:

  1. Click System --> Reset.
  2. Click Restart.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Wait several minutes.
  5. Click Reconnect to reconnect to the Administrative Console.
    Note:If you receive an error message, you attempted to reconnect to the Administrative Console before the appliance finished restarting. Close the browser, and wait a few more minutes before restarting the browser and connecting to the Administrative Console.

Shutting down the appliance

To shut down and restart the appliance using the Administrative Console:

  1. Click System --> Reset.
  2. Click Shut down.
  3. Click OK.
Note:When you shut down the appliance, you lose your connection to the Administrative Console through your Web browser.

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