Administrator's Guide

Diagnostics programs and error messages

Note:You will need to connect a keyboard and monitor to your appliance in order to see error messages.

The appliance diagnostic programs are stored in upgradable read-only memory (ROM) on the system board. These programs are the primary method of testing the major components of your appliance.

Diagnostic error messages indicate that a problem exists; they are not intended for use in identifying a failing part.

Sometimes the first error to occur causes additional errors. In this case, the appliance displays more than one error message. Always follow the suggested action instructions for the first error message that appears.

Error code format

The error code format is as follows:

fff-ttt-iii-date-cc-text message 


is the three-digit function code that indicates the function being tested when the error occurred. For example, function code 089 is for the microprocessor.

is the three-digit failure code that indicates the exact test failure that was encountered.

is the three-digit device ID.

is the date when the diagnostic test was run and the error recorded.

is the check digit that is used to verify the validity of the information.

text message
is the diagnostic message that indicates the reason for the problem.

Text messages

The diagnostic text message format is as follows:

Function Name: Result (test-specific string)


Function Name
is the name of the function being tested when the error occurred. This corresponds to the function code (fff) given in the previous list.

can have one of the following values:

Passed: The diagnostic test completed without any errors.

Failed: The diagnostic test discovered an error.

User Aborted: You stopped the diagnostic test before it was complete.

Not Applicable: You specified a diagnostic test for a device that is not present.

Aborted: The test could not proceed because of the system configuration.

Warning: A possible problem was reported during the diagnostic test, such as when a device that was to be tested was not installed.

Test-specific string
is additional information that you can use to analyze the problem.

Starting the diagnostic programs

Press F1 while running the diagnostic programs to obtain Help information. You also can press F1 from within a help panel to obtain online documentation from which you can select different categories. To exit Help and return to where you left off, press Esc.

To start the diagnostic programs:

  1. Switch ON the appliance.
  2. When the message F2 for Diagnostics appears, press F2.
  3. Select either Extended or Basic from the top of the panel.
  4. When the Diagnostic Programs panel appears, select the test you want to run from the list that appears; then, follow the instructions on the panel.


    1. If the appliance stops during testing and you cannot continue, restart the appliance and try running the diagnostic programs again.

    2. You can view appliance configuration information (such as system configuration, memory contents, interrupt request [IRQ] use, direct memory access [DMA] use, device drivers, and so on) by selecting Hardware Info from the top of the panel.

When the tests have completed, you can view the Test Log by selecting Utility from the top of the panel.

If the hardware checks out OK, but the problem persists during normal appliance operations, a code error might be the cause. If you suspect a code problem, refer to the information that comes with the appliance code image load.

Viewing the test log

The test log does not contain any information until after the diagnostic program has run.
Note:If you are already running the diagnostic program, begin with step 3.

To view the test log:

  1. Switch ON the appliance.
    Note:If the appliance is already on but does not display the system diagnostics window, then shut down the appliance and restart the appliance in diagnostic mode.
  2. When the message F2 for Diagnostics appears, press F2.

    If an administrator password is set, the appliance prompts you for it. Type in the appropriate password; then, press Enter.

  3. When the Diagnostic Programs panel appears, select Utility from the top of the panel.
  4. Select View Test Log from the list that appears; then, follow the instructions on the panel.

    The system maintains the test-log data while the appliance is powered on. When you switch off the appliance, the test log is cleared.

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