Administrator's Guide

Light-path diagnostics

If the System Error LED on the operator information panel is on, one or more LEDs inside the appliance or on the power supplies will be on. Use the light-path diagnostics to identify the type of error that occurred.

You can use the light-path diagnostics built into your appliance to quickly identify the type of system error that occurred. Your appliance is designed so that any LEDs that are illuminated remain that way when the appliance shuts down, provided that the ac power source is good and the power supplies can supply +5V dc to the appliance. This feature helps you isolate the problem if an error causes the appliance to shut down.

AC and DC Power LEDs

The AC and DC Power LEDs on the power supply provide status information about the power supply.

Diagnostics panel

Figure 6 shows the LEDs on the diagnostics panel on the system board.

Figure 6. Diagnostics panel

Figure D3mw15l2 not displayed.

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