Administrator's Guide

Recovering the IBM IP Storage

The Recovery CD (in conjunction with the Recovery Boot diskette) enables you to load the system image from an FTP server. Before attempting to recover the appliance, verify the following requirements:

To recover the appliance code image using the Recovery CD and Recovery Boot diskette:

  1. Configure the serial console using the following communications settings:
    19200 baud
    8 data bits
    No parity
    1 stop bit
  2. Verify that the appliance has the latest BIOS level.
    Note:To obtain the most recent version, go to
  3. Verify that the system image is available from the FTP server.
    Note:To obtain the most recent version, go to
  4. Place the Recovery CD in the IBM IP Storage CD-ROM drive. You might have to temporarily switch on the appliance to do this.
  5. Place the Recovery Boot diskette in the diskette drive. The Recovery CD formats the IDE drive.
    Note:You can download the recovery diskette from
  6. You will see the message:
    Careful: Continue in /dev/hda setup?

    Type y and press Enter.

  7. Wait for formatting to complete and the Service and Recovery Console prompt (svc>) to appear.
  8. Enter ? to display a list of possible options available from the Service and Recovery Console prompt.
  9. Ensure that the IP address of the Service Ethernet resides in the same network as the FTP server that contains the system image to be reloaded. You can do this in one of two ways:
  10. Type enet and then press Enter. Follow the onscreen instructions. This allows you to change the default Service Ethernet IP address so it matches the network IP address where the FTP server resides. Then, enter reboot and follow the onscreen prompts. When the svc> prompt returns, continue with step 11.
  11. Load the image from the FTP server by typing ftp and pressing Enter. When prompted, type the following responses and press Enter after each:

    where FTP_server_address is the IP address of the FTP server and image_file is the path and file name of the system image.

    Status messages indicate the system image is loading into bank A.

  12. When loading is complete, set bank A as the bank to load after a reboot by typing set and pressing Enter. When prompted, type the following response and press Enter after each:
  13. Remove the Recovery CD and diskette.
  14. Type reboot and press Enter to reboot the appliance.

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