Administrator's Guide

Troubleshooting the IDE drive

This section describes symptoms and diagnostics. .


The following symptoms may indicate a problem with your IDE drive:

Running IDE diagnostics

Follow these steps to run IDE diagnostics:

  1. Connect a monitor and keyboard to the appliance.
  2. Start the appliance.
  3. Press F2 for System Diagnostics. Wait until it boots. A window stating F2 has been pressed. Booting to Diagnostics appears.
  4. After completing the diagnostics boot, the main PC-Doctor window appears.
  5. Select Extended from the top of the window; then, press Enter.
  6. Scroll down to the Fixed Disk option; then, press Enter.
  7. The IDE drive containing the code is on Drive 0. The six tests under Drive 0 are the only options that should be selected.
    Note:Use the spacebar and arrow keys to deselect the other options.
  8. Press Ctrl+Enter to run the selected tests.
    Note:This may take up to ten minutes.
  9. If the tests under the Disk 0 menu show an operational IDE drive, the status is passed. If the tests were not successful, go to step 11.
  10. Press Esc; then, select Quit and press Enter. A prompt appears asking if you want to reboot. Enter y to reboot the appliance.
  11. If the non-hot-swap (IDE) drive failed, replace it .
  12. Download a new system image from and install the new image on the network's FTP server.
  13. Run the Recovery CD (see Recovering the IBM IP Storage).

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