Class Index


Namespace i$

The global namespace of the IBM Client API

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
The global namespace of the IBM Client API
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Defines a promise which is resolved when the page has finished loading, more specifically when the browser issues the onload event.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
i$.addClass(node, className)
Adds the specified class to the given DOM node.
i$.addListener(name, func)
Registers a callback function for a given event name.
i$.addQueryString(an, obj)
Adds a query string to a given URI.
i$.bindDomEvt(node, name, func)
Binds a function to a DOM event such as 'onmouseleave'.
This is a simple alias to document.getElementById, which is shorter to write.
i$.createDom(name, attrs, parent)
This method create a new DOM node with given attributes and adds it into the DOM at the same time if required
i$.deleteCookie(name, path, domain)
Deletes a cookie.
i$.fireEvent(name, payload)
Fires an event with a payload and sends it to all registered listeners of the given event name
Parses a JSON string to return a JavaScript object.
Returns an associative map of type object with the parsed values of the given string.
Gets a cookie.
i$.hasClass(node, className)
Determine whether the given DOM node is assigned the given class.
i$.isDescendant(node, ancestor)
Determines whether the specified node is a descendant of the ancestor.
Loads JavaScript at some URL via a script tag in the head of the page allowing asynchronous handling of scripts that may be in the same domain as the current one or across domains.
i$.removeClass(node, className)
Remove a single class from the given DOM node.
Removes a listener from the given event name, based on previously received connection data.
i$.setCookie(name, value, expiry, path, domain, secure)
Sets a cookie.
i$.toggleClass(node, className)
Add or remove one class from the given DOM node.
i$.toJson(obj, pretty)
Returns a JSON serialization of an object.
Returns a query string serialization of an object, more specifically an associative map where names must be of type string.
Unbinds a previously bound event.
i$.xhr(method, args)
Sends an AJAX request.
Executes an XmlHttpRequest using the HTTP DELETE method using the same arguments as i$.xhr except with the first argument pre-filled.
Executes an XmlHttpRequest using the HTTP GET method using the same arguments as i$.xhr except with the first argument pre-filled.
Executes an XmlHttpRequest using the HTTP POST method using the same arguments as i$.xhr except with the first argument pre-filled.
Executes an XmlHttpRequest using the HTTP PUT method using the same arguments as i$.xhr except with the first argument pre-filled.
Namespace Detail
The global namespace of the IBM Client API
Field Detail
<static> i$.onLoadPromise
Defines a promise which is resolved when the page has finished loading, more specifically when the browser issues the onload event.
i$.onLoadPromise.then(function() {
   // this is called on load
Method Detail
<static> {void} i$.addClass(node, className)
Adds the specified class to the given DOM node.
{DOMNode} node
the DOM node to add the class on. Must not be null.
{String} className
One class name to be added to the class attribute. Must not be null.

<static> {Object} i$.addListener(name, func)
Registers a callback function for a given event name. The event name does not compare to a topic as known from pub/sub mechanisms. Therefore if an event to 'public/theme/message/error' is registered and somebody is sending something to 'public/theme/message' it will not received by the mapped function. To register more than one event listener for the event name, call addListener() for the same even name multiple times.
Example 1:

    function(pitch1, pitch2, pitch3) {
   ["fastball", "curveball", "homerun"]); // alerts "fastball/curveball/homerun"
Example 2:

    function(hit1, hit2) {
    function(hit1, hit2) {
    ["slap", "homerun"]); // alerts "slap/homerun" twice
{String} name
name of the event. Must not be null.
{Function} func
Callback function to be called when the event is issued. Must not be null.
{Object} Returns a connection object which must be used again to remove the listener i$.removeListener.

<static> {String} i$.addQueryString(an, obj)
Adds a query string to a given URI. If the URI has already query parameters additional query parameters will be concatenated to the existing URI.
Example 1:

var str = i$.addQueryString("", {
    "cat" : "chases",
    "mouse" : ["runs", "hides"]
alert(str); // alerts ""
Example 2:

var str = i$.addQueryString("", {
    "cat" : "chases",
    "mouse" : ["runs", "hides"]
alert(str); // alerts ""
{String} an
URI with or without query string params. Must not be null
{Object} obj
The JavaScript object to serialize. Must not be null
{String} an URI where the input URI and input query string has been appended

<static> {Object} i$.bindDomEvt(node, name, func)
Binds a function to a DOM event such as 'onmouseleave'.
{DOMNode} node
node to bind the event on. Must not be null.
{String} name
name of the event to bind. Must not be null.
{Function} func
Callback function to be called when the event is issued. Must not be null.
{Object} Returns a connection object which must be used again to unbind the event i$.unbindDomEvt.

<static> {void} i$.byId(id)
This is a simple alias to document.getElementById, which is shorter to write.
{String} id
The id of the DOM node to be returned. Must not be null.

<static> {DOMNode} i$.createDom(name, attrs, parent)
This method create a new DOM node with given attributes and adds it into the DOM at the same time if required
Example 1: Creates a new div element which is not part of any DOM (yet).
var divElement = i$.createDom("div");
Example 2: Inserts a new input element into a 'form' with the attributes, type, name, value
i$.createDom("input", {
   "type": "hidden",
   "name": "x-method-override",
   "value": method.toUpperCase()
}, form);
{String} name
DOM node name, examples are "div", "a" and "span". Must not be null.
{Object} attrs Optional
associative map defining name and value to be set on the new DOM node.
{DOMNode} parent Optional
The parent DOM node under which the newly created node should be inserted. If this is not defined the DOM node will not be inserted into the DOM and must be added manually afterwards.
{DOMNode} Returns the newly created DOM node. Never null.

<static> {void} i$.deleteCookie(name, path, domain)
Deletes a cookie.
{String} name
The name of the cookie to delete. Must not be null.
{String} path Optional
The path for the cookie (must be the same as the path used to create the cookie). Defaults to / (the entire site) if not specified.
{String} domain Optional
The domain of the cookie (must be the same as the domain used to create the cookie). Defaults to the domain of the calling document if not specified.

<static> {i$.promise.Promise} i$.fireEvent(name, payload)
Fires an event with a payload and sends it to all registered listeners of the given event name
    function(pitch) {
        alert("hitting "+pitch);
i$.fireEvent("sport/baseball/batter", ["fastball"])  // alerts "hitting fastball"
.then(function() {
    alert("event received");
{String} name
name of the event. Must not be null.
{Array} payload
The payload as array to be sent to all registered listeners.
{i$.promise.Promise} TBD

<static> {Object} i$.fromJson(str)
Parses a JSON string to return a JavaScript object.
{String} str
the JSON string. Must not be null
{Object} An object with all values of the JSON string. Never null.

<static> {Object} i$.fromQuery(query)
Returns an associative map of type object with the parsed values of the given string. Multi-values are represented as arrays.
// returns an object with the following format:
// {
//     "cat" : "chases",
//     "mouse" : ["runs", "hides"]
// }
{String} query
The query string to parse. Must not be null
{Object} The object representing the query string.

<static> {String} i$.getCookie(name)
Gets a cookie.
{String} name
The name of the cookie to get. Must not be null
{String} A string that is the value of the cookie, or null if the cookie does not exist.

<static> {Boolean} i$.hasClass(node, className)
Determine whether the given DOM node is assigned the given class.
{DOMNode} node
the DOM node to test. Must not be null.
{String} className
the class name to test against. Must not be null.
{Boolean} true if the DOM node has the given class name assigned, false otherwise

<static> {Boolean} i$.isDescendant(node, ancestor)
Determines whether the specified node is a descendant of the ancestor.
{DOMNode} node
node to test. Must not be null.
{DOMNode} ancestor
node of potential parent to test against. Must not be null.
{Boolean} Returns true if the specified node is a descendant of the ancestor, false otherwise

<static> {i$.promise.Promise} i$.loadScript(args)
Loads JavaScript at some URL via a script tag in the head of the page allowing asynchronous handling of scripts that may be in the same domain as the current one or across domains.
{Object} args
A config object used to refine how the request is processed.
{String} args.url
url to which the request should be sent, required
{Function} args.callback Optional
Function to call when the request completes, with the following signature: function(success, data){}
{Number} args.timeout Optional
A timeout, if exceeded cancels the XHR and rejects the returned promise.
{Object} args.scriptAttrs Optional
map of attributes to add to the script
{i$.promise.Promise} A promise that resolves to a simple string 'responseData' on success or 'error' on failure. Chaining promises to this one should not change the structure of the resolved value in delegated promises unless their consumers aren't expecting the resolved value to be in the JSON structure produced by this i$.xhr API call. Modifying the value to implement filtering promise chains is properly done by modifying the resolved value's data property and returning either the resolved value again or an undefined value to ensure the consumers can safely assume the same JSON structure in their callbacks.

<static> {void} i$.removeClass(node, className)
Remove a single class from the given DOM node.
{DOMNode} node
the DOM node to remove the class from. Must not be null.
{String} className
One class name to be removed from the class attribute. Must not be null.

<static> {void} i$.removeListener(handle)
Removes a listener from the given event name, based on previously received connection data.
var handle = i$.addListener("sport/baseball/catcher",
    function(pitch1, pitch2, pitch3) {
    ["fastball", "curveball", "homerun"]); // alerts "fastball/curveball/homerun"
    ["fastball", "curveball", "homerun"]); // no alert
{Object} handle
The connection handle returned from i$.addListener. Must not be null.

<static> {void} i$.setCookie(name, value, expiry, path, domain, secure)
Sets a cookie.
{String} name
The name of the cookie to set. Must not be null.
{String} value
The value to set into the cookie. Must not be null.
{Date} expiry Optional
The date that the cookie expires. Defaults to 100 years from now if not specified.
{String} path Optional
The path for which the cookie is valid. Defaults to / (the entire site) if not specified.
{String} domain Optional
The domain of the cookie. Defaults to the domain of the calling document if not specified.
{boolean} secure Optional
Whether to secure transmission of the cookie or not. Defaults to unsecure if not specified.

<static> {void} i$.toggleClass(node, className)
Add or remove one class from the given DOM node.
{DOMNode} node
the DOM node. Must not be null.
{String} className
One class name to be added or removed from the class attribute. Must not be null.

<static> {String} i$.toJson(obj, pretty)
Returns a JSON serialization of an object.
{Object} obj
The JavaScript object to serialize. Must not be null
{String} pretty Optional, Default: false
if true the string representation is pretty printed.
{String} A JSON string representing the JavaScipt object.

<static> {String} i$.toQuery(obj)
Returns a query string serialization of an object, more specifically an associative map where names must be of type string. Values can either be of type string or array.
Example 1:

var query = i$.toQuery({
    "cat" : "chases",
    "mouse" : "hides"
alert(query); // alerts "cat=chases&mouse=hides"
Example 2:

var query = i$.toQuery({
    "cat" : "chases",
    "mouse" : ["runs", "hides"]
alert(query); // alerts "cat=chases&mouse=runs&mouse=hides"
{Object} obj
The JavaScript object to serialize. Must not be null
{String} A query string representing the object.

<static> {void} i$.unbindDomEvt(binding)
Unbinds a previously bound event.
{Object} binding
the connection object which was returned from the i$.bindDomEvt. Must not be null.

<static> {i$.promise.Promise} i$.xhr(method, args)
Sends an AJAX request.
{String} method Optional, Default: "get"
HTTP method such as "get or "post", default = "get"
{Object} args
A config object used to refine how the request is processed.
{String} args.url
url to which the request should be sent, required
{String} args.sync Optional, Default: false
HTTP method such as "get or "post", default = "get"
{Function} args.callback Optional
Function to call when the request completes, with the following signature: function(responseBody, httpStatus, statusText){}
{Object} args.headers Optional
an associative map of strings defining the headers of this xhr.
{String} args.postData Optional
a string of data you wish to send as the post body.
{String} args.responseType Optional, Default: "text"
Response type choices are "xml" or "json", default is "text".
{Integer} args.timeout Optional
The timeout in milliseconds before rejecting the promise and calling the error function. The data parameter is set to "timeout" in this case.
{i$.promise.Promise} A promise that resolves to {data: responseData, xhr: xhr} on success or {data: error, xhr: xhr} on failure. Chaining promises to this one should not change the structure of the resolved value in delegated promises unless their consumers aren't expecting the resolved value to be in the JSON structure produced by this i$.xhr API call. Modifying the value to implement filtering promise chains is properly done by modifying the resolved value's data property and returning either the resolved value again or an undefined value to ensure the consumers can safely assume the same JSON structure in their callbacks.

<static> {i$.promise.Promise} i$.xhrDelete(args)
Executes an XmlHttpRequest using the HTTP DELETE method using the same arguments as i$.xhr except with the first argument pre-filled.
{Object} args
For description see i$.xhr
{i$.promise.Promise} For description see i$.xhr

<static> {i$.promise.Promise} i$.xhrGet(args)
Executes an XmlHttpRequest using the HTTP GET method using the same arguments as i$.xhr except with the first argument pre-filled.
{Object} args
For description see i$.xhr
{i$.promise.Promise} For description see i$.xhr

<static> {i$.promise.Promise} i$.xhrPost(args)
Executes an XmlHttpRequest using the HTTP POST method using the same arguments as i$.xhr except with the first argument pre-filled.
{Object} args
For description see i$.xhr
{i$.promise.Promise} For description see i$.xhr

<static> {i$.promise.Promise} i$.xhrPut(args)
Executes an XmlHttpRequest using the HTTP PUT method using the same arguments as i$.xhr except with the first argument pre-filled.
{Object} args
For description see i$.xhr
{i$.promise.Promise} For description see i$.xhr

Copyright (c) 2014 IBM Corporation
Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Fri Apr 15 2016 21:38:09 GMT-0400 (EDT)