Class Index


Namespace i$.modules

Contains static functions related to module capabilities

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Entry point for accessing functions that provide capabilities to handle modules.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Adds a function that will be run after all the deferred modules are loaded if the modules are all already loaded, the function will run immediately
Determines if all modules for the current page, including the deferred modules, are loaded.
Determines if the deferred modules are currently being loaded.
Loads all of the deferred modules and returns a promise that resolves when loading is finished
Namespace Detail
Entry point for accessing functions that provide capabilities to handle modules.
Method Detail
<static> {void} i$.modules.addAfterLoaded(func)
Adds a function that will be run after all the deferred modules are loaded if the modules are all already loaded, the function will run immediately
{Function} func
Function to call when the loading of the deferred modules completes, with the following signature: function(){}

<static> {Boolean} i$.modules.areLoaded()
Determines if all modules for the current page, including the deferred modules, are loaded.
{Boolean} true if all modules for the current page are loaded, false otherwise

<static> {Boolean} i$.modules.areLoading()
Determines if the deferred modules are currently being loaded.
{Boolean} returns true if the deferred modules are currently being loaded, false otherwise

<static> {i$.promise.Promise} i$.modules.loadDeferred()
Loads all of the deferred modules and returns a promise that resolves when loading is finished
{i$.promise.Promise} A promise that resolves with no parameter on success or one error parameter on failure. Chaining promises to this one should not change the structure of the resolved value in delegated promises unless their consumers aren't expecting the resolved value to be in the JSON structure produced by this i$.xhr API call. Modifying the value to implement filtering promise chains is properly done by modifying the resolved value's data property and returning either the resolved value again or an undefined value to ensure the consumers can safely assume the same JSON structure in their callbacks.

Copyright (c) 2014 IBM Corporation
Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Fri Apr 15 2016 21:38:09 GMT-0400 (EDT)