Troubleshooting Guide


  • abends, responding to (930)
  • access plan, viewing with Control Center (993)
  • active logs (1607)
  • adapter number (NetBIOS) (1179)
  • add database wizard (1664)
  • adm subdirectory, tools (1003)
  • administration of databases (975)
  • administrative tools (DB2)
  • description (980)
  • logging (1443)
  • tracing (1473)
  • administrative tools (Windows NT) (1569)
  • administrator authority (1063)
  • agent (1389)
  • hangs (1344)
  • agent pool (1393)
  • AIX commands (1513), (1514) See also commands, UNIX-based
  • alert
  • overview (1450)
  • SNA (1482)
  • SNA, routing (OS/2) (1561)
  • SNMP (1453)
  • alias (1127)
  • APPC protocol (1188)
  • application errors and warnings (1240)
  • application requesters (AR) (1197)
  • application servers (AS) (1196)
  • applications (1290)
  • CLI, ODBC and JDBC (1230)
  • compiling (1219)
  • db2ocat tool (1243)
  • determining status (943)
  • for DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT (1287)
  • linking (1220)
  • running (1221)
  • slow or hanging because of locking (1103)
  • SQLJ (1241)
  • stored procedure (1244)
  • suspended (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT) (1281)
  • suspended (TCP/IP) (1158)
  • suspended or looping (1222)
  • troubleshooting (1214)
  • architectural integrity, checking (1016)
  • archive logging (1605)
  • archived logs
  • offline (1610)
  • online (1609)
  • AS/400, connections (1198)
  • authentication
  • host connections (1207)
  • AutoLoader (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT) (1270)
  • B
  • backup
  • plan (979)
  • troubleshooting (1068)
  • using Control Center (992)
  • backup database wizard (1666)
  • bad state (1303)
  • bin subdirectory, tools (1004)
  • binary data, loading (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT) (1275)
  • BINARY WITH PRECISION column definition (1347)
  • books (1636), (1649)
  • C
  • call stack (1439)
  • CCSIDs (1354)
  • changing TCP/IP port entries (1340)
  • circular logging (1604)
  • CLI/ODBC/JDBC trace (1487)
  • client
  • APPC connections (1190)
  • host (1213)
  • host connections (1192)
  • IPX/SPX connections (1162)
  • named pipe connections (1186)
  • NetBIOS connections (1177)
  • TCP/IP connections (1153)
  • troubleshooting (924), (1124)
  • Client Configuration Assistant (1140)
  • code page conversions (1218)
  • collecting data for DB2 customer support (971)
  • column is no longer visible in the grid (1362)
  • command line processor, unable to use (1095)
  • commands, AIX
  • errpt (1515)
  • lsattr (1519)
  • lsps (1517)
  • commands, DB2
  • db2atld (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT) (1272)
  • db2bfd (1008), (1009)
  • db2cat (1010)
  • db2ckmig (1045)
  • db2dart (1013)
  • db2drdat (1480)
  • db2evmon (1043)
  • db2expln (1117)
  • db2fexmt (1119)
  • db2flsn (1019), (1321)
  • db2ipxad (1020)
  • db2level (1021)
  • db2look (1022)
  • db2recr (1028)
  • db2set (1131)
  • db2snmpd (1460)
  • db2sql92 (1030)
  • db2start (1258), (1259), (1260)
  • db2tbst (1031)
  • db2trc (1462)
  • db2untag (1033)
  • db2_all (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT;) (1540)
  • db2_call_stack (1441)
  • ddcstrc (DB2 Connect) (1478)
  • dynexpln (1118)
  • list applications (942)
  • load (1086)
  • monitoring (1040)
  • netstat (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT;) (1544)
  • rah (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT;) (1541)
  • register (1165)
  • reorg (1113)
  • reorgchk (1112)
  • runstats (1114)
  • troubleshooting (1007)
  • commands, OS/2
  • cmtrace (SNA trace) (1486)
  • epw (1557)
  • epwinst (1556)
  • epwrout (1560)
  • pstat (1565)
  • syslog (1554)
  • commands, UNIX-based
  • cmtrace (SNA trace) (1485)
  • correct syntax (1099)
  • dbx (1507)
  • df (1523)
  • iostat (941), (1533)
  • ipcrm (946)
  • ipcs (945)
  • kill (944)
  • netstat (1535)
  • ps (1509)
  • pstack (Solaris) (1529)
  • spmon (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT;) (1543)
  • truss (SVR4) (1525)
  • vmstat (1531)
  • xmperf (1521)
  • communicating with IBM (972)
  • communication problems (1339)
  • configuration parameters
  • DB2_RR_TO_RS (1110)
  • diaglevel (1408)
  • diagpath (1409)
  • dlchktime (1107)
  • locklist (1105)
  • locktimeout (1106)
  • logfilsiz (1056)
  • logprimary (1055)
  • logsecond (1054)
  • maxagents (1394)
  • maxlocks (1104)
  • nname (NetBIOS) (1180)
  • notifylevel (1410)
  • num_poolagents (1395)
  • sheapthres (1120)
  • sortheap (1121)
  • configure multisite update wizard (1668)
  • configuring clients (1138)
  • connecting to a Sybase source fails (1326)
  • connection
  • analyzing events (1000)
  • changing number for DRDA (1205)
  • testing on the server (1142)
  • troubleshooting (1125)
  • unsuccessful (1147)
  • Control Center
  • online information (1582)
  • OS/2 online help not working (1583)
  • overview (986)
  • search utility (1581)
  • UNIX online help not working (1584)
  • coordinator agent (1390)
  • core files
  • DB2 (1431)
  • UNIX (1504)
  • corruption, checking for (1015)
  • create database wizard (1670)
  • create table space wizard (1674)
  • create table wizard (1672)
  • customer support, contacting (969)
  • D
  • data
  • architectural integrity, checking (1017)
  • backups (1069)
  • binary, loading (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT) (1276)
  • format (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT) (1274)
  • importing (1089)
  • indexing (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT) (1277)
  • loading (1083)
  • splitting and loading (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT) (1268)
  • Data Warehouse Center
  • files have disappeared (1334)
  • hangs (1345)
  • services, cannot install (1331)
  • will not start (1335)
  • database
  • administration troubleshooting (976)
  • alias (1128)
  • consistency (1046)
  • creating (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT) (1265)
  • design (978)
  • directories (1626)
  • files (1628)
  • non-recoverable (1599)
  • objects, displaying with Control Center (987)
  • production, mimicking (1024)
  • recoverable (1598)
  • recovery (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT) (1279)
  • remote (1130)
  • system catalog statistics, mimicking (1025)
  • database directory (1126)
  • database logs (1600)
  • database manager
  • monitoring (1037)
  • monitoring with Control Center (997)
  • database partition (1252)
  • Database System Monitor
  • Event Monitor (1577)
  • overview (1574)
  • Snapshot Monitor (1576)
  • DataJoiner Version 2 CREATE SERVER MAPPING SQL statements fail (1323)
  • DB2
  • administrative tools (983)
  • DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT (1250)
  • host connections (1194)
  • information, finding (949)
  • maintaining (958)
  • SQL0973 error (1359)
  • DB2 Connect
  • tracing (1477)
  • troubleshooting (1195)
  • DB2 customer support, contacting (970)
  • DB2 Data Links Manager
  • export operation (1313)
  • data access token (1310)
  • Data Links File Manager (1308)
  • Data Links Filesystem Filter (1309)
  • import operation (1314)
  • load considerations (1315)
  • migration considerations (1316)
  • overview (1307)
  • performing a backup (1312)
  • recovery (1311)
  • troubleshooting (1306)
  • Windows NT (1317)
  • DB2 facilities (1377)
  • alert (1383)
  • diagnostics (1378)
  • logging (1379)
  • process identification (1381)
  • system logging (1382)
  • trace (1380)
  • DB2 family
  • unable to connect to database (1324)
  • DB2 for AS/400
  • cannot import tables (1346)
  • unable to connect (1325)
  • DB2 Index Advisor (1590)
  • DB2 library
  • books (1635)
  • Information Center (1657)
  • language identifier for books (1640)
  • late-breaking information (1642)
  • online help (1650)
  • ordering printed books (1648)
  • printing PDF books (1645)
  • searching online information (1683)
  • setting up document server (1681)
  • structure of (1634)
  • viewing online information (1652)
  • wizards (1660)
  • DB2 Log (1343)
  • DB2 Process Model
  • differences between Intel and UNIX (1399)
  • displaying threads (OS/2) (1564)
  • overview (1384)
  • ps command (UNIX) (1510)
  • viewing (1401)
  • DB2 Query Patroller
  • overview (1247)
  • troubleshooting (1246)
  • DB2 Satellite Edition
  • troubleshooting (1368)
  • DB2 Trace Facility (1298)
  • DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT
  • commands (1539)
  • determining failing nodes (1255)
  • developing applications (1288)
  • monitoring applications (1226)
  • processes (1398)
  • severe error (1293)
  • starting (1257)
  • troubleshooting (1249)
  • DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition, installation (1253)
  • DB2 Universal Database Server , troubleshooting tools (1006)
  • DB2 wizards (1002)
  • DB2COMM registry value (1146)
  • db2dart tool (1014)
  • db2diag.log
  • additional information in syslog (UNIX) (1503)
  • diagnosing if listeners are up (1388)
  • dump files (1429)
  • example with DB2 trace (1472)
  • examples (1425)
  • header (1417)
  • inconsistent data (1057)
  • interpreting (1415)
  • NetBIOS entries (1183)
  • pruning (1416)
  • relationship to Windows NT event viewer (1572)
  • SQLCA structures (1419)
  • tracing if insufficient (1464)
  • trap files (1433)
  • troubleshooting client connections (1143)
  • DB2MEMDBG registry variable (1300)
  • db2_call_stack (1299)
  • DBA4745N (1586)
  • deadlocks (1101)
  • Desktop Management Interface (DMI) service layer (1456)
  • diaglevel, setting (1411)
  • diagnostic tools
  • OS/2 (1545)
  • UNIX (1499)
  • Windows 95 and Windows 98 (1566)
  • Windows NT (1568)
  • diagpath, setting (1412)
  • directories
  • changing with Control Center (989)
  • directory
  • database (1627)
  • Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA)
  • tracing (1481)
  • troubleshooting (1203)
  • Dr. Watson (Windows) (1567)
  • dump files
  • core file (UNIX) (1506)
  • OS/2 alerts (1563)
  • traces (1466)
  • dump utility, standalone (OS/2) (1548)
  • E
  • environment variables (1133)
  • error code (1423)
  • error log (OS/2) (1553)
  • error record, FFST for OS/2 error log (1558)
  • Event Analyzer (999)
  • Event Monitor
  • matching records with their application (1579)
  • Output Records (1578)
  • reading an event monitor trace (1580)
  • event snapshots (1042)
  • event viewer (Windows NT) (1571)
  • exceptions
  • responding to (933)
  • trap file (1438)
  • explain facility (1116)
  • export message files (1448)
  • F
  • FFDC (1403) See also first failure data capture (FFDC)
  • FFST/2 implementation (OS/2) (1555)
  • file
  • database (1629)
  • files
  • autoexec.bat (OS/2) (1170)
  • config.sys (1169)
  • core (UNIX) (1505)
  • db2alert.log (1451)
  • db2cc.log (1444)
  • db2cli.ini (1135), (1234)
  • db2diag.log (1413)
  • dbttrc.trc (1475)
  • dump (1430)
  • net.cfg (OS/2) (1168), (1171)
  • nwcalls.dll (Win-OS/2) (1173)
  • odbc.ini (1136)
  • services (TCP/IP) (1156)
  • size limit (1088)
  • syslog (UNIX) (1501)
  • system (Solaris) (1537)
  • TLI*.DLL (Novell IPX/SPX) (1164)
  • tli_spx.dll (Win-OS/2) (1174)
  • trap (1434)
  • firewall (1386)
  • First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) (1297)
  • first failure data capture (FFDC)
  • alerts (1449)
  • configuration parameters (1407)
  • db2diag.log (1414)
  • dump files (1428)
  • first failure data capture (1404)
  • interpreting hexidecimal codes (1424)
  • introduction (966)
  • overview (1406)
  • SQLCA structures (1418)
  • stack traceback (1442)
  • tracing if insufficient (1465)
  • trap files (1432)
  • fix pack (1049)
  • fix packs, applying (959)
  • FixPaks (1048)
  • format of data (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT) (1273)
  • forums (953)
  • free space, identifying (UNIX) (1524)
  • ftp sites (965)
  • G
  • general protection faults (GPF), responding to (932)
  • GET SNAPSHOT (1292)
  • graphical user interface (GUI)
  • administrative tools (984)
  • H
  • hangs, responding to (935)
  • hardware errors
  • identifying (AIX) (1516)
  • identifying (HP-UX) (1528)
  • hexadecimal values in db2diag.log (1421)
  • hierarchy when shutting down (1305)
  • history of problems, maintaining (915)
  • host
  • troubleshooting connections to (1193)
  • HPS switch, checking (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT;) (1542)
  • HTML
  • sample programs (1639)
  • hung applications (1225)
  • I
  • I/O activities, monitoring (UNIX) (1534)
  • IBM, contacting (968)
  • idle agent (1392)
  • import message files (1446)
  • importing data (1090)
  • importing source tables (1353)
  • index
  • architectural integrity, checking (1018)
  • failing in DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT (1278)
  • inconsistent, re-creating (1029)
  • Index DB2 wizard (1115)
  • Index SmartGuide (1591)
  • index wizard (1676)
  • indoubt transactions (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT) (1289)
  • Information Center (1658)
  • overview (985)
  • Troubleshooting Page (1588)
  • information on DB2, finding (948)
  • initialization
  • fails
  • 3043 disk or network error (1333)
  • 9159: Win32 function RegOpenKeyEx failed message (1337)
  • add install path to Windows NT service path (1332)
  • unable to connect (1336)
  • installing
  • Netscape browser (1655)
  • Integer (1348)
  • Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) (1457)
  • InterProcess Communications (IPC) (1285)
  • IPX/SPX protocol (1160)
  • isolation levels (CS, RS) (1109)
  • J
  • JDBCTRACE, keyword (1489)
  • JDBCTRACEFLUSH, keyword (1490)
  • JDBCTRACEPATHNAME, keyword (1491)
  • job scheduling, using Control Center (990)
  • K
  • keepalive settings (TCP/IP) (1159)
  • kernel
  • debugging, OS/2 (1549)
  • updating, (UNIX) (1067)
  • L
  • LAN, determining availability (1148)
  • Lana number (Windows 95) (1181)
  • language identifier
  • books (1641)
  • late-breaking information (1643)
  • listeners
  • definition (1387)
  • testing (1141)
  • load message files (1447)
  • LOAD utility (1269)
  • loading data, troubleshooting tips (1084)
  • location of problem, determining (921)
  • locking (1100)
  • log space (1053)
  • logging
  • archive (1603)
  • circular (1602)
  • logging, all platforms (1402)
  • logon error (1338)
  • logs
  • active (1606)
  • database (1601)
  • increasing space for importing data (1091)
  • online archived logs (1608)
  • system log (OS/2) (1552)
  • loops
  • in applications (1223)
  • responding to (937)
  • Lotus Approach (1229) See also ODBC applications
  • M
  • maintaining DB2 (963)
  • Management Information Base (MIB) (1458)
  • media management with Control Center (991)
  • memory corruption (1301)
  • memory leakage (1302)
  • memory, identifying (AIX) (1520)
  • message files, import, export and load (1445)
  • messages, responding to (925)
  • Microsoft Access (1228) See also ODBC applications
  • error (1361)
  • Microsoft Query (1227) See also ODBC applications
  • migration
  • troubleshooting (1044)
  • misc subdirectory, tools (1005)
  • mobile (1366)
  • monitor switches (1039)
  • monitoring database manager with Control Center (996)
  • MVS, connections (1199)
  • N
  • named pipes (1184)
  • NAMEFMT not a valid command (1328)
  • NetBIOS connections lost (1074)
  • NetBIOS protocol (1175)
  • NetQuestion
  • overview (1371)
  • troubleshooting (1370)
  • Netscape browser
  • installing (1656)
  • network traffic, identifying (UNIX) (1536)
  • newsgroups (952)
  • next key locking (1108)
  • node directory (1129)
  • nodes (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT)
  • database partition (1266)
  • database partition size (1267)
  • definition (1251)
  • failing (1254)
  • hangs (1261)
  • no response (1262)
  • slow (1263)
  • won't start (1264)
  • non-recoverable databases (1597)
  • O
  • ODBC applications
  • configuring driver (1233)
  • messages (1239)
  • mixed case problems (1236)
  • optimizing the driver (1235)
  • troubleshooting tips (1231)
  • offline archived logs (1612)
  • online archived logs (1611)
  • online help (951), (1651)
  • online information
  • searching (1685)
  • viewing (1654)
  • optimizer, viewing access plans (994)
  • origins of problems, determining (917)
  • OS/2 commands (1546) See also commands, OS/2
  • OS/390, connections (1202)
  • P
  • packed descriptors for tables, viewing (1011)
  • page rate, monitoring (UNIX) (1532)
  • paging space, identifying (AIX) (1518)
  • passwords (1062)
  • patches, applying (964)
  • PDF (1646)
  • performance
  • data, displaying (UNIX) (1522)
  • improving (1111)
  • monitoring with Control Center (998)
  • using the database monitor (1038)
  • performance configuration wizard (1678)
  • Performance Monitor
  • Windows NT (1570)
  • pervasive computing (1367)
  • point of recovery (1613)
  • point-in-time monitoring (1041)
  • prepare of SQL statement (1350)
  • preserving CCSIDs in a CREATE TABLE statement (1355)
  • printing PDF books (1647)
  • problem description, determining (920)
  • problem determination (912) See also troubleshooting
  • process status command (1508)
  • promoting a step that uses a DB2 for OS/390 warehouse target fails (1357)
  • PTFs, applying (960)
  • R
  • rebinding (1098)
  • recoverable databases (1596)
  • recovery
  • DB2 server (1070)
  • DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT (1280)
  • operating system (940)
  • point of (1614)
  • recovery concepts (1595)
  • redbooks (956)
  • registry values (1132), (1134)
  • release notes (1644)
  • remote debugging (OS/2) (1550)
  • replication
  • DB2 DataPropagator (1320)
  • overview (1319)
  • troubleshooting (1318)
  • resources, increasing (IPX/SPX) (1166)
  • responding to DB2 users (918)
  • restore wizard (1680)
  • restoring data (1076)
  • restoring Version 1 database image (DB2 for OS/2) (1034)
  • return code 7356 (1351)
  • return codes
  • byte-reversal (1422)
  • example (1426)
  • list (1631)
  • roadmaps
  • alerts (1374)
  • diagnostics (1375)
  • logging (1372)
  • process identification (1376)
  • tracing (1373)
  • S
  • SAM tool (HP-UX) (1527)
  • sample programs
  • cross-platform (1638)
  • HTML (1637)
  • satellite control database (1369)
  • Satellite Edition (1365)
  • schema names, considerations during migration (1047)
  • screen captures (Windows) (1573)
  • searching
  • online information (1659), (1684)
  • segmentation violation
  • logs (1436)
  • responding to (931)
  • server
  • administrative tools (982)
  • client connections (1144)
  • collecting data for DB2 Customer Support (1122)
  • disk alignment (1093)
  • failure (1051)
  • raw devices (1092)
  • recovery (1082)
  • restoring (1075)
  • SQL0298N (1081)
  • SQL0902C (1071), (1077)
  • SQL1024N (1080)
  • SQL1032N (1059)
  • SQL1277N (1079), (1085)
  • SQL1403N (1060)
  • SQL2419N (1073)
  • SQL4908N (1072)
  • Terminal Server (1058)
  • timing out (NetBIOS) (1182)
  • troubleshooting (923), (974)
  • services file (TCP/IP) (1155)
  • setting up document server (1682)
  • Setup Communications tool (1139)
  • shutdown hierarchy (1304)
  • signal (1437)
  • Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) (1452)
  • SmartGuides
  • wizards (1661)
  • Snapshot Monitor (1575)
  • SNMP agent (1455)
  • SNMP subagent, starting (1459)
  • software fixes, applying (961)
  • Solaris OS commands (useful for debugging) (1511) See also commands, UNIX-based
  • splitting data (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT) (1271)
  • SQL
  • prepare of statement fails (1349)
  • SQL Advise Facility (1592)
  • SQL error code (1633)
  • SQL messages
  • definition (928)
  • responding to (927)
  • SQL0204N (1237), (1238)
  • SQL0283N (1620)
  • SQL0290N (1618)
  • SQL0294N (1036)
  • SQL0805N (1097)
  • SQL0818N (1096)
  • SQL0911N (1102)
  • SQL0964C (1052)
  • SQL1003N (1232)
  • SQL1004C (1427)
  • SQL1015N (1295)
  • SQL1016N (1065)
  • SQL1018N (1066)
  • SQL1034C (1283), (1294)
  • SQL1042C (1064), (1282)
  • SQL1061W (1286)
  • SQL1109N (1172)
  • SQL1224N (1296)
  • SQL1402N (1210)
  • SQL1403N (1150), (1209)
  • SQL2216N (1619)
  • SQL30073N (1212)
  • SQL30081N (IPX/SPX) (1163)
  • SQL30081N (NetBIOS) (1178)
  • SQL30081N (TCP/IP) (1154)
  • SQL30082N (1211)
  • SQL30082N (NetBIOS) (1187)
  • SQL3805N (1087)
  • SQL5043N (1145), (1157)
  • SQL0973 error (1360)
  • SQL1042C (1050)
  • SQL4400N (1585)
  • SQLCA (SQL communication area) (1632)
  • DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT nodes (1256)
  • interpreting (1420)
  • SQLSTATE (929)
  • stack traceback
  • displaying (Solaris) (1530)
  • for suspended system (947)
  • for UNIX-based systems (1440)
  • starting a trace (1469)
  • step running VWPRCPY fails (1363)
  • stored procedure (1245)
  • developing (1217)
  • fenced (1397)
  • Stored Procedure Builder (1589)
  • subagent (1391)
  • suspended applications (1224)
  • suspensions, responding to (936)
  • Sybase Open Client Context fails (1327)
  • symptom record, FFST for OS/2 (1559)
  • syntax diagrams, how to read (911)
  • syslog (UNIX) (1502)
  • system calls, tracing (UNIX) (1526)
  • system catalog statistics, mimicking (1026)
  • system configuration, using Control Center (988)
  • system file (Solaris) (1538)
  • system log (SYSLOG)
  • OS/2 (1551)
  • UNIX (1500)
  • system resources, increasing (IPX/SPX) (1167)
  • Systems Network Architecture (SNA)
  • overview (1204)
  • routing alerts (OS/2) (1562)
  • tracing (1483)
  • SystemView agent (1454)
  • T
  • table
  • dropped table PIT recovery (1615)
  • recovery (1593)
  • system catalog tables, mimicking (1027)
  • viewing packed descriptors (1012)
  • table space
  • Changing OFFLINE to ONLINE table space state (1621)
  • container, using again with db2untag (1035)
  • OFFLINE (1616)
  • recovery (1594)
  • RESTART ... DROP PENDING Table Space State (1623)
  • state, getting description of with db2tbst (1032)
  • target table not being journaled (1356)
  • TCP/IP problems (1341)
  • TCP/IP protocol (1151)
  • test tool to mimic production databases (1023)
  • threads (1385)
  • tools
  • client connectivity (1137)
  • database administration (981)
  • db2ocat (1242)
  • trace
  • CLI/ODBC/JDBC (1488)
  • TRACE, keyword (1492)
  • TRACECOMM, keyword (1493)
  • TRACEFILENAME, keyword (1494)
  • TRACEFLUSH, keyword (1495)
  • TRACEPATHNAME, keyword (1496)
  • TRACEPIDTID, keyword (1498)
  • traces
  • administration tools (DB2) (1474)
  • DB2 (1463)
  • DB2 Connect (1476)
  • db2trc (1461)
  • DRDA (1479)
  • dumping (DB2) (1467)
  • examples (DB2) (1471)
  • SNA (1484)
  • turning off (DB2) (1468)
  • verifying (DB2) (1470)
  • TRACETIMESTAMP, keyword (1497)
  • trap (1435)
  • troubleshooting (1322)
  • abends, responding to (934)
  • APPC protocol (1189)
  • applications (1215)
  • clients (1123)
  • contacting IBM (967)
  • database administration (977)
  • DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment and DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT (1248)
  • db2diag.log (1405)
  • getting started (913)
  • history of problems, maintaining (914)
  • host connections (1191)
  • information, finding (950)
  • IPX/SPX protocol (1161)
  • loops, responding to (939)
  • maintaining products (957)
  • messages, responding to (926)
  • named pipes (1185)
  • NetBIOS protocol (1176)
  • origins and symptoms of problems, determining (916)
  • problem description, determining (919)
  • return codes (1630)
  • servers (973)
  • suspensions, responding to (938)
  • TCP/IP protocol (1152)
  • where to find a problem (922)
  • Troubleshooting Page (1587)
  • U
  • UNIX-based commands (1512) See also commands, UNIX-based
  • updates to DB2, applying (962)
  • user forums (955)
  • user name
  • authentication on host (1206)
  • case sensitivity (1208)
  • not valid on Windows 95 and Windows 98 (1149)
  • user names (1061)
  • user-defined functions (UDFs)
  • developing (1216)
  • fenced (1396)
  • using a previous release of an AS/400 system (1352)
  • utilities, unable to use (1094)
  • V
  • viewing
  • online information (1653)
  • Visual Explain (995)
  • VM, connections (1200)
  • VSE, connections (1201)
  • VWPFTP data wasn't transferred (1364)
  • W
  • warehouse logger (1342)
  • WarpCenter (OS/2 Warp Version 4) (1547)
  • watchdog process (1400)
  • Windows 2000
  • cannot install Data Warehouse Center services (1329)
  • Windows NT
  • cannot install Data Warehouse Center services (1330)
  • wizards (1001)
  • add database (1663)
  • backup database (1665)
  • completing tasks (1662)
  • configure multisite update (1667)
  • create database (1669)
  • create table (1671)
  • create table space (1673)
  • index (1675)
  • performance configuration (1677)
  • restore database (1679)
  • Work in Progress
  • incorrect start or end date or time (1358)
  • World Wide Web (954)

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