When the program starts, you will see the Main menu, where you can choose from the following options:

New Game
Select this to start a single-player campaign. It’s you and your squad of commandos against the CPU-controlled enemy in missions that encompass the entire Pacific Theater campaign of World War II!
Note: You can adjust the difficulty of a single-player in the Options menu. It is recommended that you start on the easiest difficulty setting in arcade-style gaming. The arcade game setting allows for a more “Hollywood movie” style of gameplay, where your commandos can absorb more damage and still keep going.

Single Mission
Select this option to start a single-player game on a particular mission. This allows you to play any mission from the original campaign, or play add-on missions created by the users or developers when they become available.

Multiplayer will allow you to play Deadly Dozen 2: Pacific Theater with your friends over the Internet, GameSpy or a LAN. (For more information on setting up a multiplayer game, see the Muliplayer section.)

Load Game
Load a previously saved single-player campaign.

Deadly Dozen 2 offers a quick “basic training” tutorial that will help familiarize you with the various key commands, equipment, vehicles and weapons found in the game.

Change the controls, game difficulty settings, performance and audio. These can be adjusted to accommodate faster or slower PCs or your specific gaming preferences.

Quit the game.